Rango | Nombre | Premios | Evolución (24h) | Suministro total | En circulación | |
1144 |
| $ 0.01 | -4.70% | 1 753 637 546 | 1 751 941 315 | ¡Comerciante! |
WigoSwap is a one-stop-shop for all things DeFi on the Fantom network. From our low-fee DEX to our high-yield farming and staking pools, user profile system, referral system, NFT Marketplace, and more, we have something for everyone. But that's just the beginning - our Gamified Burning Mechanism, CertiK-audited smart contracts, and achievements system (WigoQuest) provide a new level of engagement and reward for users, making WigoSwap the most cutting-edge DeFi platform on the market. Experience the future of DeFi with WigoSwap on the fast and secure Fantom network.
Rango | Par | Nombre | Volumen (24h) | |
1 | WIGOSWAP / 0X21BE370D5312F44CB42CE377BC9B8A0CEF1A4C83 | Wigoswap | $ 449 768.45 | ¡Comerciante! |
2 | WIGOSWAP / 0X04068DA6C83AFCFA0E13BA15A6696662335D5B75 | Wigoswap | $ 5 882.36 | ¡Comerciante! |
3 | EQUALIZER-DEX / 0XE992BEAB6659BFF447893641A378FBBF031C5BD6 | Equalizer | $ 222.64 | ¡Comerciante! |
4 | LUMOSCOIN / 0XE992BEAB6659BFF447893641A378FBBF031C5BD6 | Wigoswap | $ 73 505.18 | ¡Comerciante! |
5 | WIGOSWAP / 0X04068DA6C83AFCFA0E13BA15A6696662335D5B75 | Yoshi.exchange (Fantom) | $ 361.12 | ¡Comerciante! |
6 | SONIC-NAME-SERVICE / 0XE992BEAB6659BFF447893641A378FBBF031C5BD6 | Wigoswap | $ 485.72 | ¡Comerciante! |