CrowdSwap (crowd) Gráfico en Vivo

Rango Nombre Premios Evolución (24h) Suministro total En circulación
CrowdSwap logo CrowdSwap CROWD
$ 0.00 -1.79% 609 000 000 269 631 550 ¡Comerciante!

CrowdSwap (crowd)

CrowdSwap is a DeFi platform. It will help people to simplify the process of investing assets into different kinds of opportunities (Staking, lending, yield farming,...). CrowdSwap provides a one-stop-shop for best-price and aggregation swaps, cross-chain transfers and opportunity platforms in one confortable process for the user. Users don´t have to spend their time on finding the best DEX and bridging solution anymore. CrowdSwap will calcualte the best route and optimize the prices along the way. Many DeFi platforms provide great functionality. CrowdSwap glues them together to make DeFi easier for everybody. Analyzing the market multichain guarnatees the best prices for the user. No bad deals anymore that reside from illiquid liquidity pools. CrowdSwap finds the best prices in the DeDi space, calculates the shortest, fastest and most cost effective route and presents it to the user in a simple to execute process.

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Lanzamiento 26 feb 2021 (EGLD-USDT)
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Lanzamiento 14 jun 2021 (MANA-USDT)
Quinoia RED Kryll strategy poster

Quinoia RED

+ 259.13%
Lanzamiento 26 dic 2021 (WXT-USDT)
Teseo Kryll strategy poster


+ 217.00%
Lanzamiento 24 jul 2021 (TWT-USDT)