Rango | Nombre | Premios | Evolución (24h) | Suministro total | En circulación | |
| $ 0.00 | -2.95% | 186 624 000 | 0 | ¡Comerciante! |
ClaimSwap is a Klaytn DEX based on AMM(Automated Market Maker). KLAYswap, which already provides a similar service, has contributed to expanding the Klaytn Defi ecosystem. However, no other DEX had matured in the ecosystem, leaving users with limited options. The ClaimSwap team aims to provide a more user-friendly protocol. Just as the Uniswap-Sushiswap case, we look forward to boosting the overall ecosystem with the release of ClaimSwap.
Rango | Par | Nombre | Volumen (24h) | |
1 | CLAIMSWAP / 0XCEE8FAF64BB97A73BB51E115AA89C17FFA8DD167 | Claimswap | $ 23.77 | ¡Comerciante! |