• Cryptos 17 180
  • Echanges 1 282
  • Capitalisation $2 778 089 355 533
  • Volume (24h) $104 748 457 795
  • Dominance BTC 58.75% ETH 8.23%

RabbitSwap (rabbit) Graphique en Direct

Rang Nom Prix Évolution (24h) Offre totale En circulation
RabbitSwap logo RabbitSwap RABBIT
$ 0.00 + 1.08% 1 000 000 000 100 000 000 AI Insight

RabbitSwap (rabbit)

RabbitSwap.xyz is a DEX protocol designed to serve as the primary liquidity center on Viction network, combining with a robust DEX protocol, user-friendly experience, and advanced liquidity tools. As the backbone of Viction’s liquidity, RabbitSwap is the liquidity management layer for projects to launch tokens, create incentive campaigns, manage treasury, and enhance token performance. Whether you are launching a new asset or driving liquidity, RabbitSwap is the go-to platform for seamless trading and sustainable growth on Viction. Our mission is to grow the Viction Ecosystem by providing support through liquidity, technology and tools. RabbitSwap.xyz was officially launched in December, 2024 on Viction network.

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Rang Paire Nom Volume (24h)
1 RABBITSWAP-2 / 0X0FD0288AAAE91EAF935E2EC14B23486F86516C8C RabbitSwap $ 1 369.67 Explorer