• Cryptos 17 173
  • Echanges 1 282
  • Capitalisation $2 769 571 092 802
  • Volume (24h) $109 207 078 026
  • Dominance BTC 58.69% ETH 8.23%

CompX xUSD (xusd) Graphique en Direct

Rang Nom Prix Évolution (24h) Offre totale En circulation
CompX xUSD logo CompX xUSD XUSD
$ 1.00 + 2.35% 18 446 744 073 711 568 694 AI Insight

CompX xUSD (xusd)

xUSD is Algorand's only collateralised stablecoin backed by native Algorand ASAs. xUSD was originally created by the xBacked protocol, xBacked was acquired and integrated into the CompX platform in 2024. xUSD is currently backed by 20 Algorand assets including many wrapped L1 tokens like $goBTC, $wAVAX and $wSOL, RWA assets like $GOLD and $SILVER from meldGold plus Algorand native tokens such as $COOP, $ORA and CompX's own governance token $COMPX. xUSD is soft pegged to the US Dollar, and utilises dynamic interest and liquidity incentives as mechanisms to keep the peg stable. CompX rewards users that join the xUSD ecosystem with staking and farming rewards fuelled by a share of interest generated.

Paires Disponibles

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Rang Paire Nom Volume (24h)
1 XUSD / ALGO Tinyman $ 3 322.37 Explorer
2 XUSD / GOETH Tinyman $ 181.03 Explorer
3 COOP / XUSD Tinyman $ 337.34 Explorer
4 TINY / XUSD Tinyman $ 89.20 Explorer
5 XUSD / CHIP Tinyman $ 49.28 Explorer